Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fact Draft

Female participation in snowboarding is estimated at 25% by the Ski Industries of America.

Snowboarding, once considered the domain of poorly dressed, rude and radical rebels, debuted as a medal sport at the 1998 Olympic games in Nagano, Japan.

As skiing continues to lose participants, snowboarding has soared into a $800 million dollar a year industry.

Snowboarding ranks as the fastest growing sport in the world, with huge companies like American Express and Baby Gab using snowboarders as marketing tools. Transworld Snowboarding called it "steroid like growth".

In fact, there are four ski resorts in the US that has banned snowboarding!

Snowboarding was first invented by Sherman Poppen in the year 1965.

1 comment:

Lucy Carlyle said...

Those facts are really good and informative! Thats funny about the poorly dressed. Most people do not know a lot about snowboarding, and after reading this, I know some things that I didnt know. Way to go, girl!

<3 Lucy Carlyle